Wednesday, January 16, 2013

An 1806 Collection of Waltzes

Did you see that engraving of three couples dancing the waltz in 1806? Isn't it wonderful? It was the frontispiece of A Selection of the Most Admired and Original German Waltzes, by Edward Jones, published in 1806.

This book was on exhibit as part of: God Save the King: Music from the British Royal Court, 1770 – 1837, an exhibition at Beinecke Library, Yale University, October 1 – December 10, 2010,  but thanks to their wonderful blog, we can still experience it.

To see the book as it appeared in the exhibit go here and look at the third photo down. You can enlarge the photo and see the book in great detail.

If you want to read the book (it's mostly music) go here and you'll be able to look at all the pages.

Title Page

Please notice that the book is dedicated to another famous Charlotte.

Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Wales

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