Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Charlotte Russe Will Never Fade Away

Did you see the Charlotte Russe in the recent episode of Downton Abbey? Mrs. Crawley has rescued Ethel, the ex-housemaid, ex-prostitute, by offering her a job. Since Mrs. Crawley's cook quits rather than work alongside an ex-prostitute, Ethel becomes the default cook.

Mrs. Patmore, the cook at Downton Abbey, takes pity on Ethel and gives her a crash course in cooking so that she can serve Salmon Mousse to Mrs. Crawley's guests. At the moment of highest drama, Ethel brings in a classic late 19th style Charlotte Russe surrounded by lady fingers and tied with a ribbon.

Check it out. Charlotte Russe triumphs.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I totally noticed the Charlotte Russe and thought of you! That was a great scene. :)

